Cash Flow Management Services

Cash is imperative to the operations of any company. Available cash allows businesses to take risks, seek new opportunities, and strengthens their financial statements. Without cash, most businesses will either cease to exist or be bought out by a competitor. The stress of managing the liquidity of a company, as well as keeping new business coming in, can be overwhelming to even the most seasoned business owner

Our Virtual CFO service guides you through cash flow management by:

      • Showing you in real time the cash constraints of your company and when those constraints can happen.
      • Mapping out and calculating the best sources of additional cash. From reducing inventory to short-term borrowings, we evaluate all variables and the long-term effect on the company.
      • Preparing your company for discussions with financial institutions and vendors.
      • Determining the appropriate amount for a line of credit.
      • Reviewing your cash billing, collection, and payment policies.

Cash Flow Services Projections

Avoiding a cash crisis begins with developing cash flow projections. Our CPAs create a 4–8 week cashflow forecast and meet with your staff. We will continue to meet periodically with your team, sometimes daily when needed. Through our cash flow forecasting services we review anticipated cash inflows and outflows and help design a plan to increase your available cash.


Because of the forecasting nature of the projections, we adjust if additional events happen. From there we help guide your company to adequate cash reserves to help guard against cash flow deficiencies. We get the company on the path of building cash reserves of 30% of prior year gross revenue.

Since you cannot pay a vendor, employees, or even yourself with an accounting journal entry, our CFOs ensure you have the cash flow to make ends meet. Contact us so we can help assist you with your cash flow management needs.

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